Design a beach to analyse waves
Now that we know some of the theoretical features and characteristics of waves we can start to examine water waves and see how they behave. Waves form a very important part of our understanding of the environment. We can study wave behaviour to see how our beaches and coastlines will be affected. We can also study wave behaviour to understand large tidal waves and Tsunamis. One way we can start to understand waves is to build a model and then conduct experiments to see how waves behave in our model. In this activity you will investigate some ideas for designing a model that you can use to experimentally analyse wave behaviour. Your model is to include such features as a 'beach' and 'mini- island' formations.
Use the Internet 1. Use the internet to perform this section of the activity Experiments to Analyse Wave behaviour 5. Save this wave experiment document to your disk as follows:
6. Finish your Internet session Using Word to design your experiment 1. Use your saved wave experiment file as your source of information for designing your experiment. 2. Work in co-operative group pairs to design your experiment. 3. Your task is to plan and design an experiment that will analyse the features that affect wave behaviour. Your experiment needs to consider the following features:
4. Your experiment needs to consider and identify Dependent and Independent Variables and must be written as a report that includes the following sections:
5. Write up your experimental report using the word processing program Microsoft WORD 6. Printout your Experimental Design Report